Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween everybody!

Trick or Treat!!!

Kiara is sick, so she won't be able to go out for 'Trick or Treating' tonight. Hope that everyone else has a SAFE Halloween! Hope that everyone gets what they want in their goodie bags.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Podcast - The Pridelands - Episode 005

Another podcast from the Pridelands.

By the way, I know there wasn't an episode 004. I considered the Red Cross PSA as an episode.

Joshua Kadison - The Bubble Man

The Status on Bruce Hopkins

Podsafe Music Network
PW Fenton & The Second Ward - 99 Pounds
bill - sound scientist

The Status on 'Friend Dave' and his house

Michigan Brewers Guild

Fort Street Brewery

Lotusphere 2006

My blog

My email

My podcast feed

Get better soon Selena...and everybody else!

My niece, Selena, is currently at Children's Hospital in Detroit. She started having problems breathing a couple of days ago.

Selena...get better soon!

I also found out yesterday that just about everyone else in my family is sick as well. Maggie, Kiara, Jimmy... just to name a few. My niece, Katie, is at school in Grand Rapids. I hope that she's away from all of this.

Everyone... GET BETTER...please?

UPDATE (10-28-2005 12:00PM EST): I just found out from Jennifer that Selena is being discharged from the hospital. More details coming soon.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

We are looking for Rocky's Clues...

At, Rocky Oliver will be making an announcement about something cool coming to Lotusphere 2006. Since he can't announce it yet, he decided to give 'clues' to what it is. I don't know if it's because it's Lotusphere or that I have a 3 year old that likes 'Blue's Clues' (ok, I like the show also), but I can't wait for the next clue.

Since the last clue was Friday, (Are you okay, Rocky?) you can catch up with them all now:

Clue 1
Clue 2
Clue 3
Clues 4 & 5
Clue 6
Clue 7

I don't know what's better...the clues or the guesses in his comments. Go check them out!

Another Voice of Cartoon Food Icon Gone

Elmer "Len" Dresslar Jr. died October 16th of cancer. He was the voice of the Jolly Green know, "Ho, ho ho...Green Giant!" He actually was an entertainer that had his had in other commercials as well. I don't know if you can say that we'll miss him, but that booming "Ho, ho ho" is something I'll never forget.

More details from WDIV-TV (

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Out goes Howard Stern...In comes 'Rover's Morning Glory? WTF!

This morning, I found out that the local station in Detroit (97.1FM) broadcasting Howard Stern is not replacing him with David Lee Roth or Mancow, but with some show out of Cleveland called 'Rover's Morning Glory'. (Does anybody know anything about him? Please let me know.) Infinity Broadcasting (which owns WKRK-FM 97.1) is also rebranding some of their stations as 'Free FM'.

I find this almost too funny for words. Isn't the lack of freedom by the FCC one of the reasons Howard Stern is leaving regular radio for Sirius Satellite Radio?

Check out more on this here from Michiguide: Out: Stern. In: Rover, Free FM for WKRK Detroit

This doesn't affect me too much, because I'm a Drew-and-Mike guy.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Leave it to Rob Wunderlich to find this...a paper-based organizer!

Why does it not surprise me that on a website called "Domino Unplugged", Rob places a link out there for

Thanks Rob! This is great stuff!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Update on Fire in Detroit

After about 2 days, it looks like things are finally done. My friend's home did not get destroyed, but there is clean water damage in one of the rooms. The cause of the fire is still under investigation. There were actually 2 other fires in the area about one day after this big one happened. Some are saying that they might be related.

I tried to contact my friend, but I got voicemail. Maybe we'll touch base later in the week. I'll keep you posted.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Detroit Firefighters Battle Five-Alarm Blaze

Courtesy of
I would normally not report on something like this, but if you go to (WDIV-TV), read the article and view the video, you'll hear about a guy named David Mardeuz. Dave (or 'Friend Dave' as my daughter calls him) is a good friend of mine. To see him having to go thru this is tearing me up inside.

My family has survived a fire, so I know what he's going through. I will say this until my dying days...THE DETROIT FIRE DEPARTMENT ARE OVERWORKED AND UNDERPAID! THEY ARE HEROES TO MANY OF US! They kept Dave's home from getting destroyed, and even though the fire started around 4PM Sunday, it was still burning this morning.[One of these days, I'll do a podcast where I'll tell my fire story...promise!]

Dave's home was spared, but I hear that his garage didn't make it. I also know from experience that the smoke damage will be pretty intense.

Dave...your friends are here for you. I'll call you later.

If anyone has a chance, keep my 'Friend Dave' in your prayers.

UPDATE (11:47AM EST): I was right about his garage, according to the Detroit News. This is a report from the Detroit Free Press. Here's a report from WXYZ-TV and WJBK-TV. There's even a discussion of it (with pictures) from

Friday, October 14, 2005

Lotus Certified Professionals: Last Chance for Lotusphere Discount

Tomorrow, October 15th, the price for a ticket to Lotusphere will go up to $1595 (until December 3rd, then it's up to $1795). Take advantage of the certified (or Friends and Family) rate of $1395 by clicking here. (Note: you will be asked to log's your IBM certified username and password.)

Hope to see you there...heck, hope to see ME there!

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Tapping another Cask Conditioned Ale at the Fort Street Brewery

We celebrate another tapping of a cask conditioned beer at the Fort Street Brewery. Brewmaster Doug Beedy has done another excellent job, this time with a beer called Double Scotch. I've become a BIG FAN of Doug's work. He's a great guy to talk with, and he has a monthly 'Beer Fantasy Camp' (limited to 10 people) that even Jennifer likes a lot.

This is without a doubt the best place to get a beer and something to eat in the Metro Detroit area. If you are in the area, you are wasting your time if you don't stop by this place. I will be telling you more about this place (and Doug) in the future, trust me!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Happy Anniversary to my 'Nala'!

Nine years ago today, someone was silly enough to marry me. I'm so glad that she did. Today's podcast is dedicated to her, and to someone that helped me marry her, recording artist Joshua Kadison.

You can get his music at

Jennifer, thanks for 9 wonderful years. You still make me laugh, smile, and think. We'll make it to the Pridelands some day... I promise!

This is dedicated to my beautiful wife, Jennifer, on our 9th wedding anniversary.

This is also dedicated to the one man who helped make it all possible, Joshua Kadison. (
He helped me propose to Jennifer back in 1995, and thanks to the permission granted directly by him, I'm able to provide all of you into a glimpse of his genius.

Joshua - Thank you so much for giving me permission to share this with the world. May you always have happiness and peace.

Jennifer - It's been a wild and crazy 9 years, and I can't imagine taking this trip with anyone other than you. You've been my best friend through it all, and as Joshua has said, you'll always be "Beautiful in My Eyes".

Songs replayed with written permission by Joshua Kadison. Please go to to purchase any of his songs. Tell him that the Lion King sent you.

Songs played:
- Do You Know How Beautiful You Are? (The Venice Beach Sessions Part 1)
- Love Will Rule the World (The Venice Beach Sessions Part 1)
- Wild Angel (The Venice Beach Sessions Part 1)
- Take It On Faith (Delilah Blue)
- Beau's All Night Radio Love Line Painted Desert Serenade)
- Beautiful in My Eyes (Painted Desert Serenade)

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Car Wash for Katrina TODAY!

I know that it's short notice (considering it starts in 1 hour), but if you happen to be in the Detroit area this morning (where it's currently 41 degrees), the Columbian Squires from Circle 801 are having a Car Wash for Katrina. Come get your car washed for FREE, except that we are asking for donations in any amount to help support the different hurricane victims.

It will be held at Holy Cross Council Knights of Columbus, 4381 Larkins St (at Michigan Ave) in Detroit. You can get the directions here.

The boys thank you in advance for your support!

Friday, October 07, 2005

What's Out? WebStats4U (formerly Nedstat)

Rocky "Lotus Geek" Oliver, Richard Schwartz, Tom "Duffbert" Duff, and Carl Tyler and others all got away from using a free counter service that used to be called Nedstat, but is now called WebStats4U. It gives certain users a random popup not coming from me. (I hate popups!)

Thanks to all of the guys above (especially Rich and Carl) for mentioning this. My new counter is all the way at the bottom of this page.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Red Cross PSA

I made a public service announcement (PSA) for the American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund. I'm going to submit it to the PodShow Podcast Network. Maybe some other podcaster will get some use out of it. Check it out here and here:

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Pridelands Podcast - Episode 2

Click here to hear the podcast.

Thanks to Adam Curry for his inspiration.

AC/DC - Thunderstruck [NOT podsafe, but screw it... It's my first song on a podcast]

My first podcast worked!!! Thanks to Bruce Elgort for replying about first episode

PODSAFE MUSIC - Cruisebox - On A Podcast [Explicit]

Special thoughts and prayers go out to Anabella, sister of Bruce Hopkins

A personal confession...I'm a wrestling fan!

WWE News:
Vince McMahon is a legend and a genius.
Raw has moved to USA Network.

Problems with Suburban Honda

Limpy from Channel 955 is an former Squire


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